Tuesday, March 18, 2014

Sowing Carnation and Phlox seeds: First attempt

Today is my first attempt to sow carnation and phlox flowers and I'm really excited to see the first tiny plants come out.

I bought these seeds in Giants hypermarket at Vivocity for 1.69$ each packet from the Horti brand, then lightly sow them in a potting mix soil that I bought at a local florist shop. The carnation seeds will germinate, hopefully, in 10-14 days and the phlox in approx 14 days. I lightly water them using a gentle spray twice a day leaving the soil damp and not entirely wet then I leave them to rest on my windowsill where not much of direct sunlight but has warmth.

I think I'm safe If I follow all of the instructions! Let's finger-cross!

I might pass by Giants again to buy other types of flowers since I have so much empty pots and soil at home.

Rest them on 10cm pots

Here are the seedlings of the cosmos flower I planted last week! Aren't they cute? First attempt to seed them as well and pretty happy that they germinated in just a few days! Hopefully they'll grow into beautiful strong plants in the following days! I placed them outdoors in my corridor after they have germinated to catch up with the beautiful sunshine in the early morning.

A close up look at the cosmos seedlings
I know little about these beautiful flowers but what I do know is that these flowers are easy to grow and requires minimum care since it can adapt to tropical weathers. 

Can't wait for what the next days will bring!

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